Answered By: Stephanie Gillespie
Last Updated: Oct 27, 2022     Views: 152

At this time, we only have one database provider for audiobooks, OverDrive (formerly, RBDigital). As more are added the directory will be updated. You can access the list below.

To listen to audiobooks download the Libby app and install it.

When you open the app for the first time, it will ask if you have a library card. Choose "Not Yet."

On the next screen, select "Find Libraries Nearby," then select "No, I'll Search for a Library."

Search for Pellissippi State Community College and select it when it appears. After selecting Pellissippi State Community College, you will be prompted to log in and authenticate. The username is the first part of your Pellissippi email, without the and the password is the same as your MyPellissippi/Brightspace/PSCC email.

After authenticating, the screen will say "Okay, you're signed in! Here is your library card." Select "Next" to begin browsing Pellissippi's OverDrive titles.

Your app will save Pellissippi as your library. If you delete Pellissippi from your libraries or uninstall the Libby app, you may have to go through this process again.

If you are using the OverDrive app, it will be discontinued by OverDrive in early 2023. Libby is the preferred app used to access OverDrive titles.